Lauri: A new adventure

November, a prime time to start window cleaning... I have officially joined the ranks of Sharp Cleaning Services. I've gone from the warmth and comfort of a 9 to 5 office job to, very early mornings, cold (usually muddy) hands, and far fewer tea breaks. However, I'm enjoying the new challenge immensely. After 8 years of working in an office environment in Darlington, I decided that I'd like a change and so after a lot of thought and preparation, here we are.


So far, apart from a few achy muscles, it's going well. There were a few furrowed brows when I told people of the decision to work with Joel, but thankfully we're loving working together and I haven't wrung his neck! Yet.

I'd now happily tell anyone that if you have the opportunity to work for yourself, do it! There's so much freedom and satisfaction within self employment, I wish I'd made the decision sooner. Cleaning windows and gutters may not be the most glamorous of jobs, but with a VERY much improved hourly rate and more time to spend doing what I love, who cares! 

We will continue commercial cleaning, pressure washing and window cleaning throughout the County Durham area as a team until further notice! Or until Joel gets tired of my constant humming and whistling... Who knows.
