Cleaning blogs: What we're into

Pretty much everyone wants to spend as little time cleaning their home, but be left with the best results possible. 

When we clean offices and other commercial premises this is simply efficient use of time and skills. But sometimes in the home we stick with the traditional wisdom that's always been used. 

With this in mind we've collated some of our favourite blogs to help get you inspired. Spend less time cleaning, get great results and have more time to put your feet up glass of wine in hand. 

apartment therapy cleaning blog


This is first because it focuses on organisation a lot of the time. Get organised first, clean second.

The way the article are written is witty too. 


We love the Clean Mama blog. We've linked especially to the printable checklists. It's great having the internet at your fingertips, but what happens when you're meant to be cleaning, then every time you look at your checklist you get kidnapped by Facebook, Instagram or videos of cats. Check out everything on this site, you've struck GOLD.

bowl of lemons cleaning blog


This blog is great for this. That long week at work, when you get in and realise you've got friends visiting in T minus 12 hours.

We particularly liked the 7 Steps of cleaning the home. It tells you where to start and what to do. It's idiot proof, which is an absolute relief for me....

This blog looks great, and gives a ton of great advice. Jillee has a huge range of topics she covers, but we especially liked the cleaning blog posts on things like; Cleaning glass lamp fittings, 10 cleaning do not's and cleaners homemade vs. store bought. 

These blogs are just a few of our highlights, but if you'd like any more to look at, just ask.